Saturday, May 7, 2011

IBSP Upweller Up and Running

On Saturday April 30th Manny Brito and his crew cleaned two Taylor floats that overwintered oysters at the Island Beach State Park upweller site. They were able to begin the process of opening the upweller for the 2011 season. On Monday the opening was completed and 2010 oysters were measured and counted. Approximately 9000 oysters with the average size of 47ml and the total volume of 16670 ml were divided into 5 silos. Three other silos contain larger and older oyster, spat on shell oysters and even some clams. Regular weekly cleaning will be the same time and day as in the past, Monday at 1:00 pm.
The Cattus Island upweller has been approved and the crew will begin its construction in the near future. Also the Mantaloking Yacht Club crew will be opening their upweller some time before the first of June. It is our hope that some of the new class members will join one or more of the three northern bay upweller teams.

1 comment:

  1. 2011 Clamming trips:

    (4) separate trips and raked (150) each time.
    Also had 5-6 scallops each trip which were set free.

    Thanks to all your fine work.
